Buckboard Quilts
After 37 years of collecting antique quilts, award-winning author and quilt historian Judy Howard of Oklahoma City, OK, is giving her collection of 19th- and 20th-century quilts and textiles away to feed hungry children. Judy's charity quilt giveaway will be donating 100% of the proceeds to charitable organizations that feed the needy. Want to help? Here are several ways for you to become part of Judy's effort: Visit Buckboard Quilts to view the hundreds of antique quilts and textiles available for purchase. Many of the items listed on the site come with family history or provenance. Some pieces even have family portraits of the quilt maker and have been published in Howard's five books (book included with quilt purchase). When you purchase a quilt or textile from Buckboard Quilts Quilt Shop, you decide which charity the proceeds will go to. Use your credit card or make your check payable to your local food bank to keep the donation in your community. Judy ships around the world and is a delight to work with. Just make your selection, then call or contact Judy to check on availability, price, and postage. Once Judy receives the payment, she will ship your selection for a no-obligation approval with a 24-hour return privilege. If you are happy with your purchase, just let Judy know and your donation will be mailed to the charity of your choice. It's that easy!
Another way to participate and feed the hungry is to enter a 9'' x 12'' quilted wall piece in the Children--Hope for Tomorrow traveling quilt show. Entry quilts are displayed on tour and sold to raise funds for feeding children. When you enter, you also receive the 1905 Cookbook written by Judy Howard and free advertising on a story label, as well as eligibility for contest ribbons. To learn more about how to enter, see entry form.
If your guild or organization is looking for ways to generate revenue, why not plan an exhibit with one of Judy's traveling quilt tours and book sales? Choose from the beautiful Food for Body and Soul collection of small quilts tour, the inspiring God Bless America small quilts tour or the endearing Children—Hope for Tomorrow small quilt tour. Rent the exhibit for $100 (US) and your organization can keep 10% of the quilt sales and 30% of the book sales. The remaining revenue goes to your local food charity. For more information see Quilt Programs and Exhibit Availability.
Learn more about quilt care, preservation and history at Buckboard Quilts. Watch a YouTube video interview about Judy on Sewing with Nancy to learn more about this story. Quilting has always brought people together, and here is yet another example of the power of quilts. Own a piece of history and feed hungry children. Thank you Judy for your generosity and kindness!